wedding day

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Getting Motivated

Well, I had one lonnnnnnnnnnnng night! The church sleepover has left me exhausted because, of course, teenage girls do NOT sleep at sleepovers! lol... but it was worth it!!! We had an amazing time and I would do it all again for the girls to gain the same experience.

Now, with that said, I have to push myself to go workout today! I have so much on my to do list but at the very very top..... WORKOUT! I am still sleepy after taking a short nap after getting home but I have a goal and the only way to obtain it is to push myself. I know I can do. I've seen other people do it and what makes them any different than me??? NOTHING!!!! I am just as motivated.... i see my dress. Actually, it's more than just my dress that is motivating me. I want to feel great about my size, not just okay. I want to be confident in anything that i wear and not have to worry about how i think it fits on me. I want to be able to pick out an outfit and just wear it without trying 4 or 5 different outfits on before i leave the house. If i can push myself to do homework to achieve a 4.0, I can push myself to lose my 20lbs! I'm singing in my head "just keep swimming, just keep swimming" from Dory in Finding Nemo!

Nobody said this would be easy.... this is HARD!!!! but i can do it. After I finish this blog I am going to go into my living room and turn on day 3 with Jillian Michales!!! DAY 3 - NO MORE TROUBLE ZONES here I come! Oh, wait... after I fix the girls lunch. lol

update.... i did my day 3 and went to a festival today, which means walking the entire time. I don't feel like that was a good workout, so i'm about to go find a workout video to do for at least 30 min at 10:35pm. I am sooooo tired and i don't feel like doing this but I have to get it in! I just pray all this hard work pays off in the end.....

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